Nyhet för utlandssvenskar
Svenska böcker och filmer i USA
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Top 20 Swedish Paperbacks
Many other titles to choose from.
Swedish Books (Pocketböcker) specializes in Scandinavian books, movies and music. The selection is very large, but the search functionality works
quite well, and you can search most products by either title or author.
Where to order Swedish books
When Akademibokhandeln sold its Internet service to Bokus, it was no longer possible for Swedish
readers in North-America to order Swedish books from them via the Internet. A representative from Swedish Translators in
North America wrote a letter to the editor of Svenska Bokhandel, the magazine for Swedish booksellers. A number of booksellers let us know that they were
eager to sell books in Swedish to the Swedish-North American market.
Scandinavia Express
This online store semms to have all the latest Swedish books. And Norwegian books. One nice feature is the list of Top 20 Paperbacks which is updated every week based on information sent to them from book shops in Sweden.
Look for the category "Pockettoppen" or "Pockettoppen Sverige."
Where can I find books in Swedish
It seems to be virtually impossible! I'm looking for your average, everyday novel written in
the Swedish language, but even online I'm having no luck! I've found
a scattered few at some used book stores that aren't in my area; does anyone by any chance know of a place where I could
find them? Are there any online sellers that you know of?
Reading Books in Swedish
Continuing with our topic of reading Swedish books, there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed.
Where to get Swedish books abroad?
Hmmm... That is a very good question indeed. Bokus no longer ships orders to the US, due to problems
with the US Customs.
This is very annoying, I know, and I will try to find out who is still willing and able to sell
and ship to America. As you've probably noticed, the info you can find about it on the internet is painfully outdated.
I have sent out a few emails and as soon as I get a reply, I'll post it here, of course.
In the meantime, if anyone knows of any place that sells Swedish books in the US, and accepts phone or internet orders, please tell us!
Ms. Peters from the Swedish Council of America kindly suggested this internet retailer: Skandimport. (they did seem to have a nice selection of Swedish language media, including books.
Other than that, the cost of importing books from Sweden is simply too high for most North American businesses specializing
in Swedish imports)
Nordic Books Online
Stieg Larsson
"The Girl Who..." The Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson consists of
"The girl with the dragon tattoo," "The girl who played with fire" and
"The girl who kicked the hornets' nest."
In Swedish: Män som hatar kvinnor, Flickan som lekte med elden and Luftslottet som sprängdes.
The Stieg Larsson Store
The online store offers all the books by Stieg Larsson, and all the films based on the
novels - in many languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. Most of the movies have
English subtitles, but there are dubbed version as well.
In Sweden
In Stockholm there are shops that offer an impressive selection of translated Swedish literature and books about Sweden.
You can find everything from exclusive coffee-table books to fascinating children's books and the very latest fiction written
by Swedish authors. At last count they offer no less than 2,000 titles in 47 languages.
Many of quotes above were found recently by our research staff.
Scandinavian Imports
Imported books, movies and music.
International DVD Players
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Imported Movies
Swedish Women's Organization (Förening)
Svenskarnas Dag
Swedish Heritage Day, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Scandinavian American
Brian Wicklund, Ewa Rydåker, Marie Olofsdotter, Eva Smith.
Authors and Actors
Astrid Lindgren, Lasse Åberg, Alfons Åberg, Ingrid Bergman, Nyqvist, Hallgren.
Also, Sjöholm and Sundvall (Skandinavien's bästa), Ulf Lundel.
Other Products
Imported Movies
English subtitiles, Original language, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic.
Books in Swedish (Svenska, Norska, Danska, Finska)
Böcker, Filmer, Musik (Svensk, Norsk, Dansk, Finsk)
North American Market
United States and Canada. Marine-on-St. Croix, Scandia, Lindström, Svenskbygd Minnesota och Wisconsin.
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Svenskarnas Dag
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Swedish Movies
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